
A local charity for people who live or work in West Berkshire

About us

Aims & Principles of Citizens Advice

The Citizens Advice service provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. It values diversity, promotes equality and challenges discrimination.

Our service aims:

  • To give people the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward – whoever they are, and whatever their problem.
  • To improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives

The Trustee Board

All local Citizens Advice offices are local independent charities, governed by their own board of trustees, who are ultimately responsible for the quality and range of the service. Day-to-day control is delegated to the managers although the Trustees:

  • hold staff accountable, and are ultimately accountable for the activities of Citizens Advice West Berkshire
  • provide leadership to all at Citizens Advice West Berkshire
  • develop policy
  • strategic management
  • are responsible for compliance with relevant laws and Citizens Advice membership requirements

How we use your experience to help others
Click here to find out how the Citizens Advice service uses information gained from our clients to help others

Annual report

CAWB Annual Report 2022-23

CAWB Annual Report 2023-24

Annual accounts

CAWB Annual Accounts 2022-23

CAWB Annual Accounts 2023-24

Volunteer with us

21,600 highly trained volunteers support the delivery of our work. Our volunteers come from all sorts of backgrounds and help with everything we do. Could you join them?

We are a charity. Help us to keep changing lives with advice

Without the generous support of people up and down the country, we couldn't continue the work we do.